I am a freelance, full stack web developer based in Manchester

Bespoke Wordpress Development

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that has evolved over the years from a blogging platform to a versatile application to help build websites quickly that are easy to manage and maintain.

  • Custom theme development
  • Site Maintenance
  • SEO
  • Updates and enhancements
  • Custom plugin development
  • 3rd Party Integrations


If you're looking to start selling online, I can help advise and implement an eCommerce solution catered to your individual needs.


Found your website has been hacked? Plugins aren't playing nicely together? PHP or Javascript errors? I can provide support for your Wordpress site.


A site's content needs constant search engine optimisation to keep you at the top of search results. I can help your website get more traffic and conversions.


Prevention is often a much better option than a cure. I can help protect your website as well as your online reputation from malicious attacks and intrusions.

Social Media

Does your site perform as well as your social profiles? I can help integrate your social content with your Wordpress site and optimise it for mobile users.


I can provide you with options and advise on their benefits to allow you to make your own choices with regards your Wordpress site.


Bought some fancy software? Subscribed to a new online service or API for your website but can't get it working? I can help getting you up and running in no time.


Do you need bespoke functionality? Maybe you updated your Wordpress version and plugins and something broke? I can help enhance and improve your site.